Community Life Chair Job Description


The Community Life Commission (CLC) works to insure that each member and attendee has opportunity to experience connecting and belonging at CMC through the development and communication of systems and programs aimed at helping people build and deepen relationships with one another, with God and within themselves.
The chair of the Community Life Commission will serve to coordinate the communications with Church Council and coordinate the efforts of the commission.


Community Life Commission

  • Meets quarterly (minimum)
  • Focuses on ways connections are made at CMC
  • Pays attention to all events in the life of CMC and ways that attenders are affected
  • Plans monthly “Learning Interesting Things” gatherings

Regular Activities/Responsibilities:

  • January: LIT
  • February: LIT
  • March: CLC Meeting and LIT
  • April: LIT
  • May: LIT and remind to CLC job description
  • June: CLC Meeting and Review CLC Committee Job Descriptions
  • July
  • August: Begin budget process
  • September: CLC meeting
  • October: LIT
  • November: LIT
  • December: CLC meeting and write annual report

Updated August, 2014