Support for Everyone Welcome Campaign

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With you, we celebrate the many improvements that have been made to our facilities at Community Mennonite Church during the past year. Many people have shared their insights, their time, and their financial resources to make these improvements possible.

As a Development Committee, we have reached out to more than 160 households to enlist financial support. To date we have received 113 pledges totaling almost $420,000. We have also allocated $70,910 from other sources to meet costs. Our total expenses – including a commitment to give $50,000 to external projects identified by the Outreach Commission – amount to $778,000. So, we need to generate another $287,090. (See the table below.)

As you know, the Building Committee made some major adjustments when serious deficiencies were found during the renovation process. Reports of these changes can be found here.

You can help Community Mennonite Church address the $287,090 gap in these ways:

  1. Make a pledge to CMC’s Everyone Welcome campaign if you have not already done so.
  2. Accelerate the payments on your Everyone Welcome pledge. For example, pay off your pledge in two years instead of three years.
  3. Extend your pledge. If you are giving monthly, add another three, six, or nine months to your pledge payments.
  4. Increase your pledge by an additional 10, 20, or 30 percent.
  5. Double your birthday offering or add a 0 to your birthday. For example, if you are celebrating a 50 th birthday, give $100 or $500 instead of $50.
  6. Designate an Everyone Welcome gift for the external projects (identified by Outreach Commission).

As your CMC Development Committee, we welcome your additional suggestions. We also invite your prayers, continued volunteer efforts, and generous financial support. These improvements will help us better fulfill our commitments to each other, to our community, and to our world.

Thank you for being part of us!

— CMC Development Committee (Stuart Showalter, Dave Smucker, Ruth Stoltzfus

Jost, David Stenson, and Jennifer Davis Sensenig)


Everyone Welcome Campaign Summary

June 30, 2016


Project Costs $728,000

Beyond Ourselves (Outreach) $50,000

Total Costs $778,000


Cumulative Pledges $420,000

Unpledged Gifts Received $15,337

CMC Reserves $53,279

Birthday Offerings (Jan-June) $2,294

Total Resources $490,910

Amount Needed $287,090