Finance Committee Job Description


Finance Committee provides oversight of financial resources to ensure the congregation funds (income, expenses, special projects, special funds) are properly documented, and to ensure the safety of financial resources and that they are used for the intended purpose. This committee develops short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (3-5 years) financial plans to support the congregation mission and vision as requested by Church Council (CC).


  1. To review and approve congregational financial reports monthly.
  2. To develop and present the annual budget (spending plan) to Church Council by the November Church Council meeting.
  3. To present the annual budget (spending plan) to the congregation as scheduled by Church Council.
  4. To develop and recommend policies related to contributions, accountability, and levels of authorization.
  5. To provide a committee representative to meet with Grants Committee.
  6. To provide a committee representative to meet with the Administration Commission.
  7. To provide monthly financial reports for Commission Chairpersons and Lead Pastor.
  8. To provide quarterly financial report to Church Council and copies available for members.

Regular Activities/Responsibilities:

  • January
    • Quarterly (Oct.-Dec.) report to CC
  • February
    • Meet as needed to monitor expenses/revenue
  • April
    • Quarterly (January-March) report to CC
  • May
    • Meet as needed to monitor expenses/revenue
  • July
    • Quarterly (April-June) report to CC
  • August
    • Meet as needed to monitor expenses/revenue
  • September
    • Develop Annual Budget
    • Faith Commitments distributed and collected
  • October
    • Quarterly (July-September) report to CC
    • Draft #1 budget to Church Council
  • November
    • Draft #2 to Church Council for Approval
    • Preliminary Budget discussed at Congregational Speak Easy
  • December
    • Church Council Approved budget presented to congregation for approval

Updated October, 2014.