Gifts Discernment Committee Job Description

Gifts Discernment Committee
Job Description

Updated May 2018

The vision of the Gifts Discernment Committee is to develop a culture at CMC that encourages gift discernment, gratitude, leadership development, and margin, so that CMC, as individuals and as a congregation, fulfills our calling in Christ. Gifts Discernment Committee is a standing committee of Church Council.

Chairperson Responsibilities:

  • Schedule and chair regular meetings of the committee to fulfill the responsibilities below.
  • Report to CMC Council and relate to Council Chairperson and Pastoral representative as needed to carry out committee responsibilities.
  • Present Council Chair with a slate of candidates for CMC leadership positions, before congregational votes of affirmation. Typically, these votes of affirmation are taken at the annual congregational meeting (Nov/Dec).

Gifts Discernment Committee Responsibilities:

  1. Develop a culture at CMC that encourages gift discernment, gratitude, leadership development, and margin, so that CMC, as individuals and as a congregation, fulfills our calling in Christ.
  2. Encourage the alignment of the gifts and skills of CMCers with the roles and responsibilities that will enable CMC to carry out our vision and mission.
  3. Create and maintain a database that will track the gifts of CMCers and positions in which they have served.
  4. Invite CMC members to consider serving in open leadership positions: Commission Chairs/Vice Chairs, Pastoral Elders, and Delegates to Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) and Allegheny Mennonite Conference (AMC) in early Fall. Consult with Commission Chairs and Pastoral Team while doing this.
  5. Serve as a support to Commission Chairs as they work to fill other needed positions (through Fall and Winter) and ensure that Commissions are well-staffed each year.
  6. Meet regularly as a committee to ensure the coordination of the above responsibilities.
  7. Consult with Pastoral Team to identify new gifts and potential leaders, especially considering the gifts of new attenders and new members.

Who invites CMCers to serve in specific church positions and roles?

Leadership positions requiring CMC membership and a congregational vote of affirmation. Positions open to any regular attender or member of CMC.

  • Council Members (Chairs and Vice Chairs)
  • Pastoral Elders
  • Delegates to MC USA and VMC


  • Gifts Discernment Committee
All other positions for their own commissions as needed.