Provide the visual elements of the worship experience.
- Work with Worship Commission and pastoral team to create visual elements to complement worship series and services.
- Send a representative to Worship Commission meetings to function as a member of the commission.
- Solicit artistic talents in the congregation to contribute to worship services.
- Maintain congregation-owned materials and items in the chancel storage areas.
Members of this group meet together both for planning and for work. This committee reports to Worship Commission, and sends a representative to Worship Commission meetings.
Members include:
- Chair. Organizes meetings, authorizes expenditures, contributes to projects, assigns responsibilities to other members.
- Worship Commission representative. A member (or chair) of the committee who, in addition to Worship Arts responsibilities, serves as a member of Worship Commission.
- Members. Sufficient numbers to perform required tasks. Skills in visual art and design or any or many kinds. Meet with the committee to plan and perform projects.
Current Members
- Jodi Nisly Hertzler (Chair & Representative to Worship Commission)
- Carmen Wyse
- Jean Reichenbach
- Sheri Smucker