Position Title:
Associate Pastor
Position Description:
The Associate Pastor (AP) is called by the members of CMC to collaborate with the Pastoral Team (other pastors and pastoral elders) to provide spiritual leadership for the congregation as a whole. The AP will focus on coordinating and providing pastoral care
for members and regular attenders, resourcing and facilitating a network of vital small groups, equipping the congregation to build relationships that sponsor faithful discipleship to Jesus Christ, and other pastoral leadership responsibilities as needed. The AP is a fulltime position, supervised by the Lead Pastor and supported by the Church Administrator.
Term of Employment:
The AP is called to a 4year term. The Personnel Committee prepares the annual Covenant of Understanding for this position and conducts an annual review of the AP, including the congregation in the process in year 3 of a 4year cycle. (Current term began June 2014. The first congregational review will take place in the fall of 2016.)
The AP must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and demonstrate faithful
growth in Christian identity as a disciple, leader, and pastor.
The AP possesses:
- Commitment to AnabaptistMennonite theology and witness.
- Developing sense of pastoral identity and call to pastoral ministry.
- Personal integrity and ability to maintain confidentiality.
- Strong pastoral, communication,and leadership skills.
- Sensitivity to the needs of individuals and groups across the congregation.
- Competence in selfmotivation, time management and organization.
- Master’s of Divinity degree or significant relevant ministry experience.
Duties in a 45 hour work week:
- Pastoral Care: Participate in Pastoral Team meetings, retreats and congregational initiatives. Provide crisis and maintenance pastoral care. Make referrals to members and regular attenders as needed for professional services, and compassion funds. Maintain system for tracking pastoral team visitation and care for members and regular attenders. Provide Pastoral Team with regular updates/summaries of life events of the congregation such as pregnancies, births,
illness, hospitalization, engagements, marriages, divorce, death, and grief. Provide
group leadership or facilitation and support for Care Teams, discernment, mental
wellness, grief, etc. Lead memorials, funerals, and weddings as requested and
available. (20 hrs) - Worship and Public Ministries: Collaborate with Worship Commission
chairperson and season worship groups for the weekly worship life of the
congregation. Plan and lead worship approximately 12 Sundays annually. Preach
approximately 10 Sundays annually. Help plan and lead congregational worship
rituals (parentchild dedication, receiving new members, Lord’s Supper, special
services, etc.) Occasionally teach an adult education class. (10 hrs) - Community Life for Support, Discipleship and Mission: Collaborate with
Community Life Commission chairperson to strengthen relational bonds within the
congregation and deepen discipleship of members and attenders. Collaborating
with other pastoral staff, coordinate the adult aspects of CMC’s Monthly Gathering.
(10 hrs) - Other: Partner annually with the Lead Pastor to develop clear goals and priorities.
Provide written reports for Commissions and Council per request. Participate in
Harrisonburg District, Virginia Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Church USA
representing CMC’s ministry and vision. Engage ministry colleagues beyond CMC
for mutual support. Other duties as discerned with supervisor. (5 hrs)
Approved by Church Council, November 15, 2016