Community Mennonite Church of Harrisonburg, Virginia (CMC), offers managed care health insurance for its employees through The Corinthian Plan of the Mennonite Church, USA (TCP). In cases where there is conflict with TCP terms, CMC policy will be subordinate.
CMC offers full payment of TCP premiums on behalf of pastors employed ¾ time or more or half payment for credentialed pastors employed ½ time or more, and half payment of premiums on behalf of non-credentialed staff employed ¾ time or more.
For pastoral staff employed ½ time or more, and non-pastoral staff employed ¾ time or more, CMC offers half payment of TCP premiums for spouses who are self-employed or employed without benefits, and for dependents who have not reached their twenty-sixth (26) birth date. CMC will not offer payment of TCP premiums for spouses and dependents of those employees who are eligible for benefits from their employer, unless the benefits provided by the other employer do not meet current ACA standards (a copy of a spouse’s or dependent’s medical plan must be submitted to the CMC Church Administrator). Coverage is effective immediately upon employment (defined as commencing work) or as provided by the plan.
Any pastoral staff member who choses to decline this benefit may receive Non-Insurance Reimbursement, up to $100 per month at their discretion, to be effective at the beginning of the next plan year following departure from the plan.
CMC Church Administrator will review with employees their election of coverage terms, annually between November 15 and December 15, and submit this to the Personnel Committee Chair for review prior to December 31.
Approved by Council 21. August, 2014