Facilities Use Policy and Rental Agreement

Facilities Use Policy and Rental Agreement

To request a rental, please review the following policy and then contact the church office at 540-433-2148 or email cmc_office@cmcva.org.

Printable Version of Facilities-Use-Policy-and-Rental-Agreement

Facilities Use Approval Process

  1. The use of facilities must not conflict with the values and ethics of Community Mennonite Church (CMC).
  2. Rental of the facility will be limited to approved facility areas. Other parts of the facility may be in use for other purposes at the same time.
  3. Facility use request and approval:
    1. Complete the Facilities Rental Reservation and Agreement Form to start the rental process and submit to the CMC office.
    2. A person must be identified on the reservation form who is responsible for how the building is used and cleaned up, and who will be handling the group’s needs.
    3. The rental request will be reviewed by the CMC Rental Manager for approval. You will be notified of the decision.
    4. If approved, a staff member may be assigned to work the event.
    5. The reservation is in effect when the signed rental agreement is returned to the CMC office, along with a deposit of 50% of the total estimated cost and a $100 damage/overtime deposit, if required.

Guidelines for Use of Facilities

  1. The tenant is responsible for setting up equipment such as tables and chairs to meet their needs, and for returning all cleaned items to their original location.
  2. The tenant is responsible for general cleanup, including vacuuming carpet, mopping floors, and leaving rooms in same condition as when the group arrived.
  3. No smoking, alcohol or controlled substances are allowed in the buildings or in the parking lot or any surrounding land.
  4. All food must be kept in the kitchen and fellowship hall, unless permission is granted for other areas.
  5. Red drinks are not permitted; they contain red dye that permanently stains carpet. Fire code prohibits deep frying and use of excessive grease in the kitchen.
  6. Kitchen use is restricted to preparation of beverages and serving of prepared foods, unless specifically requested and approved at time of rental. After kitchen use, washed dishes are to be put away and counters are to be wiped and the floor swept.
  7. Community Mennonite Church follows Safe Church practices as a response to child sexual abuse. Therefore, for the safety of children and youth who are attending any activity within our building, CMC strongly suggests that your group adhere to the following practices while using our facilities:
  • Those who accept the special responsibility of working with children/youth in the building shall not violate that responsibility by causing physical injury (that is not accidental); mental injury (that is not accidental); sexual abuse or serious physical neglect of children or youth; or any other act described as child abuse in the laws of our state.
  • All children and youth under the age of 18 must be supervised by a minimum of two adults at all times. Adults must also ensure children and youth remain in areas of the building designated for use by your group.
  • Activities with children or youth in CMC classrooms or the nursery will be conducted in a way that allows visibility from outside the room.
  • Diapering young children should be done by parents, and adults in charge of children must find a parent/s if a diaper needs to be changed. Parents should assist young children in the restroom.
  • Discipline involving any type of physical contact is prohibited.
  1. Hanging and placing of decorations, posters, etc. must not create holes or leave marks on the walls.
  2. Bird seed, bubbles, rice, glitter, etc. may not be used inside the buildings. If used outside, the tenant is responsible for cleanup. No fireworks or sparklers are allowed.
  3. Maximum seating capacity for the fellowship hall is 200, including the overflow in room 109. Seating capacity in the sanctuary is 250 and the balcony is 60. Chairs may not be added in the sanctuary aisles without permission. All entrances and exits must be clear of all obstructions.
  4. All local and state fire and safety regulations will be followed.
  5. Musical instruments may not be moved without permission.
  6. CMC reserves the right to cancel or change this agreement at any time due to ministry activities and needs.


Fee Schedule (rate is per event, normally several hours)

Sanctuary $200
Fellowship Hall $150
Kitchen $150
Room 109 $50
Dean House Room $50
Dean House First floor $150
Audio Technician from CMC if audio is requested

(2 hour minimum required)

*Wedding $500
*Wedding (CMC member) $250
*Audio Technician from CMC for wedding (required) $100 flat fee

*Wedding rate includes use of sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen and changing rooms, for rehearsal and wedding ceremony. For weddings, an additional $100 flat fee for an audio technician from CMC is required.



Because of the value CMC places on marriage, and because we participate in the Harrisonburg Community Marriage Policy, we ask that all couples getting married in our facility be married by a Christian minister and have experienced pre-marital counseling.

Officiating minister_______________________ Will have pre-marital counseling ______________________

Dancing in the church building and Dean House is permitted for events and services officially sponsored by the congregation and for ceremonial dances of bride/groom/parents at wedding receptions.



I/we have read the guidelines for use of Community Mennonite Church facility and agree to abide by them and any other specific requests made for using the facility.

I/we understand and agree that any furniture/equipment will be returned to its original location and in the condition found, and agree to clean spaces used after use (vacuuming, washing floors, bagging garbage); if items are damaged, I/we will be responsible for replacing or repairing the same.

I/we understand that I/we am responsible for the care and safety of participants at the event, and in consideration of being permitted to use the church facility, FOREVER RELEASE the church and agree to defend, indemnify and hold the church harmless from an claims or damages, for any medical expenses and other damages, to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Reservation request made by _________________________ date _______________


A second signature if requested________________________ date _______________


Approved by Rental Manager__________________________ date _______________


Updated February 2018


Reviewed by the Facilities, Administrative & Hospitality Committees, February 2018.