Mentor Coordinator Job Description


Vision: Prepare CMC youth to meet the challenges of life and to become the person that God intended them to be.
Mentoring Purpose: For adults in the community of faith to walk side by side with their youth, helping them be and become unique expressions of God’s love in the world.


Throughout the year:

  • attend Youth Commission meetings
  • “Match” Mentees with Mentors (6th grade through High School Graduation)
  • Coordinate with MYF & JrMYF sponsors events for mentor/mentee pairs
  • Maintain Google contact list of Mentors and mentees
  • Capture Sexual abuse forms
  • Send out periodic encouragements to mentors by email
  • Send out to individual mentors if their mentee is having a birthday that month

Monthly Activities/Responsibilities:

    • February:
      • Have party for existing Mentor Mentee pairs; meet with the 5th grade class to talk about the CMC Mentor program
    • March:
      • Have data base (Mentor List Spreadsheet) updated with existing Mentor/Mentee pairs including incoming 5th graders
      • Create list of existing Mentors that the new Mentees should not choose from
      • Have form (named Mentee Memo) for new Mentees to fill out including their name and birth date, Mentor choices 1,2,3 in order of preference, activities they are
        interested in. Along with a list of existing mentors that are not available for choosing.
      • Take the Mentor Memo and list of existing mentors to 5th graders that are becoming 6th graders
    • April:
      • Form Mentor Mentee pairs
    • May:
      • Form Mentor Mentee pairs
      • Have recognition of Mentors of graduating mentees
    • June:
      • Send the mentor list spreadsheet to the mentors so that they can see who the other mentors and mentees are (sorted by mentee birth date) – encourage Mentors to
        team up with each other in having fun with their mentees.
    • July:
      • Send out your version of “Roles of a Mentor” to Mentors
    • August:
      • Check in with Mentors as to how things are going
    • September:
      • Update Mentor list spreadsheet with current email and phone numbers and the Google contact list.
    • October:
      • Get Sexual abuse forms signed and returned.
      • Plan for Mentor commissioning services
    • November:
      • Ask Mentors for suggestions of activities then send list of the suggestions to all the mentors.
    • December:
      • Write annual report

Updated: 10/01/14 by Tom Sawin