Sunday School Superintendent Job Description

Terms of Appointment:

The superintendent will be appointed for two-year terms by Youth Commission or in consultation with the Gifts Discernment Committee.


  1. Work with the pastor connected with Youth Commission to establish class groups and room assignments for the coming year. Communicate teacher, helper, music
    leader and nursery staff needs to the Vice Chair of Youth Commission.
  2. Check each room to assess, number and sizes of chairs and tables.
  3. Work with the pastor connected with Youth Commission to keep the Sunday school roster up to date each quarter, adding newborns and new attenders and communicating changes to the Church Administrator and Youth Commission Chair.
  4. Shine materials will come automatically from MennoMedia each quarter. The Sunday School Superintendent should confirm numbers for curriculum materials needed with MennoMedia or the CMC Church Administrator and make needed changes to the standing order. These numbers should also be given to the pastor connected with Youth Commission. Prior to the beginning of the quarter distribute materials to teachers at least 2 Sundays before class starts. This can be done on a table set up in the fellowship hall.
    • For Fall quarter…………confirm numbers by June 30
    • For Winter quarter………confirm numbers by Sept. 30
    • For Spring quarter………confirm numbers by Dec. 30
  5. Materials other than from MennoMedia and Shine should be cleared with the pastor connected with Youth Commission.
  6. The Vice Chair will serve as a resource and contact person for teachers. He or she will communicate with Sunday school staff via e-mail or orientation meetings prior to each quarter. The Vice Chair will provide teachers with information regarding class lists, classroom maps, teacher lists and substitute lists, dates for the quarter, payment requisitions, and supplies. The Vice Chair, in consultation with the pastor relating to Youth Commission, will make sure each volunteer and teacher is an approved adult.
  7. Organize the supply closet. Purchase supplies as needed. Check classrooms prior to each quarter to assess supply needs.
  8. Choose an offering project. (After the Penny Power collection has ended.) Collect offering during music time. Talk to each class about the offering project. Keep
    parents and the congregation informed of projects.
  9. Inform Worship Committee when classes have prepared something for worship service. Remind teachers about this option.
  10. Update Christian Education bulletin board in the fellowship hall with class locations, teacher lists, and class lists. Communicate class locations to the church
    administrator to post on the web site.
  11. Keep an eye open for new attenders and invite those children to attend Sunday school.
  12. Attend and report to Youth Commission meetings. Write an annual report and give to Youth Commission chair as requested.
  13. Assist teachers with behavior management concerns.
  14. At end of quarter have teachers return curriculum materials to the supply room. These can be donated or recycled.
  15. Ask teachers to remove pictures from walls and bulletin boards at the end of the quarter and to leave the classroom neat and orderly for the next teacher.
  16. Find ways to thank and affirm teachers and other Sunday School staff.