Many Parts, One Body
Church Council is Community Mennonite Church's governing. It consists of a chair, a vice-chair, a pastoral team rep (typically the lead pastor), a young adult member-a-at-large, and the chair of each of CMC's five commissions. Council meets most months to make decisions about congregational finances, initiatives, and polity. Minutes are available through the church office.
2024 Council Members
- Council Chair, Andrea Wenger (2025)
- Vice Chair, Dennis Showalter (2025)
- Administration Commission Chair, Lee Good (2025)
- Community Life Commission Chair, Kara Miller (2025)
- Outreach Commission Chair, Jason Song (2025)
- Worship Commission Chair, Brian Martin Burkholder (2025)
- Faith Formation Commission Chair, Roveen Yoder (2025)
- Member-at-Large, Anna Tieszen